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Aplikasi Media Promosi Penjualan Rumah Berbasis Augmented Reality

Author(s) : Awan Setiawan - Erwin Yulianto - Hilman Hamdani -

Speech Recognition Untuk Kendali Lift Bagi Penyandang Difabel

Author(s) : Nuzul Ramdani - Andriana - Olly Vertus - Riyanto Setiyono -

Number of Failures for Weibull Hazard Function witha Fuzzy Shape Parameter

Author(s) : Hennie Husniah - A. K. Supriatna - Widjajani - Rohmana -

System Dynamics Approach In Managing Complex Biological Resources

Author(s) : H. Husniah - A. K. Supriatna - N. Anggriani -
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