Hennie Husniah; " />
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The Effect ofProportional Recruitment in the Solution of aTerrorist Mathematical Model

Many mathematical models of terrorist population growth assumed a constant rate ofinflux into the susceptible subpopulation. In reality it is plausible to assume that therecruitment into the susceptible subpopulation might depend on the number of individualsin thesusceptiblesubpopulation and on the numberof the terrorist itself. For theterrorist, the bigger the size of their population, it is likely, the more intense the programthey run to attract people to become susceptible to the ideology they bear. Likewise, thebigger the size of terrorist populations the more intense protection made by the authorityor government to their citizens (general population). This phenomenonis rarely discussedin many terrorist population growth mathematical models. In this paper we discuss amodel by considering a proportional recruitment to thesusceptible subpopulation andlook at the relationship between this recruitment and the effect to the critical level ofintervention. We found that in some circumstances intervention maylead to aparadoxical situation in which more militants appear. We also discuss the level of infiltration that ableto reduce the number ofmilitants.
Hennie Husniah - Personal Name
Asep K. Supriatna - Personal Name
Aprillya R. Lanz - Personal Name
Vol. 29, No. 7s, (2020), pp. 3802-3808
658 HEN a
APA Citation
Hennie Husniah. (2020).The Effect ofProportional Recruitment in the Solution of aTerrorist Mathematical Model.(Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://localhost/etd