H. Husniah; " />
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System Dynamics Approach In Managing Complex Biological Resources

This paper discusses an application of System Dynamics approach in managing renewable biological resources. In essence, a management of a biological resource can be regarded as a control to the size of the associated population of the resource subject to certain criteria. For example, in harvesting theory or in fishery industries the management is directed to finding the best size of the population giving rise to an optimal harvest as the objective. In finding this best size one should incorporate both the biological concern (sustainability of the resources) and the economic concern (maximum profit). In this regards, the objective can also be stated in other words, i.e. we have to find the maximum level of harvest such that the long-term sustainability of the resource is warranted. Technically this level of harvest often is called as the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). The paper is aimed to find the MSY for biological resources having a complex ecosystem structure. We will assume that the resource forms a metapopulation and in each sub-population the intraspecific competition may vary according to low, moderate and high level of competition. The paper shows that a different harvesting strategy should be applied depending on the level of competition status in each sub-population.
H. Husniah - Personal Name
A. K. Supriatna - Personal Name
N. Anggriani - Personal Name
658 HEN s
APA Citation
H. Husniah. (2015).System Dynamics Approach In Managing Complex Biological Resources.(Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://localhost/etd